Submitted by CaitlinDavis on
Friday, November 4, 2022

You and your families are cordially invited to our 28th annual Veterans Day program at 11:00 am on November 11th in the Sgt. York Barn.
The Sgt. York Patriotic Foundation and Sgt. York State Historic Park are excited to highlight our sister city relationship with Pall Mall, TN and Chatel Chehery France with our guest speakers coming to us from France.
We will have an interview with the Mayor of Chatel Chehery and a live video presentation from the Superintendent of the second largest United States Cemetery overseas, Bruce Malone, Jr. Mr. Malone is part of the American Battle Monuments Commission which maintains 26 permanent American Cemeteries overseas. We are privileged to share their story and have them a part of our program this year.
York Agricultural Institute’s Noteworthy Choir and JROTC Cadets will join us as well as the Crossville Knights of Columbus and the Jamestown Mark Twain American Legion Post 137. Our patriotic program will conclude with Cheryl Crabtree playing Taps and our annual veterans picture out front of the barn.
We will recognize and honor all our veterans in attendance and those we have lost this past year.
Join us as we thank our veterans for their service and express our gratitude for what they have provided for us!